Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

27 Weeks.

This is how I spent my 1st Mother's Day:

Olive and I rested on the couch while Paul did the dishes and made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Acceptance is the Last Stage of Grief

Okay, so it took us a few days, but I think we can get used to Olive's new haircut. There are some obvious benefits:
1. We don't have to vacuum hundreds of dead leaves off the carpet every day.
2. We don't have to pick the same leaves out of Olive's fur every day.
3. Her paws are always clean.
4. No longer concerned about her getting wet in the rain.
5. We don't have to brush her.

We are looking on the bright side, and have come to the conclusion that even though Olive's head still looks like a fur-helmet and her tail looks like a Swiffer duster, at least she doesn't look like THIS:


Or, heaven forbid, either of THESE: