Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dr. Thayn's First Day

Today is Paul's first day as a meds/peds intern at Pitt County Memorial Hospital. Let's just say he was more than a little nervous. That being said, he always seems to become more motivated when faced with big challenges. I am very proud of my husband for all his hard work during the past 5 years! I am so glad to be sharing the entire journey!
Paul at 5 a.m. on his first day of work. I would have taken his pic outside in front of the house like my mom always did on our first day of school, but it was dark out. According to one of Paul's attending physicians this is "the last time he will ever smile" (insert vindictive laugh).


  1. Lookin' good. I wouldn't worry about Paul not smiling. He'll find a way. Congratulations, Paul.

  2. Good luck! I know the journey won't be easy, but you are a great supporter, Bel, so Paul is in good hands! I liked the post about your baby bunny too..very cute little bunny...but not so cute when eats all your freshly planted vegetables! Updates on what happens with the little rascal would be great!

  3. Hope the 1st day went well! Lily saw his picture and said, "Hi Paul!" with one of her signature waves... :) We miss you!

  4. YAY Dr. Paul!!!! Hope all is going well with the New Job!

  5. Looking so good. It has been almost a whole week now. Hope there are some smiles cracked this week! I am going to call on wednesday to see how the first week went!
